Financing from the West and Pro-Western Policy.

Those political forces who rise up to some degree and carry out opposition activity, are often labeled as “pro-Western” and being financed from the West.  This is done in an attempt to tarnish their reputation in the eyes of the people.  The inference is that if a political organization is financed from abroad, should it then later come to power, it will be beholden to that foreign country and subject to its will.

This is of course absolutely baseless, but it still resonates with the people.  This reminds me of the saying “does not see a tree in his own eye and looks for a stick in the other’s eye”.  Since this perception is not particularly astute, such arguments only really affect those who have limited political or economic knowledge.

This concept may be explained in a number of contexts. 

First, the government has previously accepted financial aid and state loans from foreign countries.  For example, the head of state used to hold consultations with the former presidents of both Turkey and Russia, Suleyman Damiral and Boris Yeltsin, prior to each of his foreign visits.  So despite their conviction that they were independent leaders of an independent state, they were not able to make independent decisions on many of the key issues.  They simply had no choice othe than to engage with other foreign leaders.  Such is the nature of the modern world.  The same is true now.  But our country is not receiving foreign financial aid because of its oil revenues.   Yet consultations with foreigners continue regardless. 

So we end up with the duplicitous situation whereby the authorities blame Europe and America for carrying out double standards, yet they themselves carry out their own double standards when it comes to things like Northern Cyprus, Ossetia and Kosovo.  This does not demonstrate the government’s reolute position in any of these cases and underscores the fact that it does not have any financial dependence on any foreign state.  Therefore, this means that the point is not about being financed from abroad or not.  Consequently, it is incomprehensible as to why political parties are being blamed for having contact with other states.

The second point is that political forces struggling for democracy and liberalism really need financial support. There are three sources of financial support.  First, peoples’ donations;  second, finances of the state; and third, grants from foreign democratic institutions. 

The authorities do their utmost to prevent real opposition forces from utilising the first and second methods.  This is done by scaring people from donating and by creating technical, legal and moral obstacles to get state grants.  Only foreign grants are then left which the state forbids by decree. And then the authorities scoff at the supposed weakness of the opposition!

This is comprable to the following scenario – one “hero” calling an opponent, whose hands are tied and who has been kept hungry for a long time, to the ring to fight.  Completely unfair.

So why then does a pro-western policy worry the government so much?  They cannot break from the orbit of the West, or Russia come to that, when it comes to policy formulation.  So what  is it that they do not particularly like about the West?  Maybe they have human rights problems, or their education and healthcare is so bad?!   Maybe their social programs make their people leave their countries?!  We can of course note a lot of such “maybes”.   The stark reality is, the West, which the authorities dislike (at least on paper), is a number of times better than us in its economic development and societal progress. Despite the fact that we are way behind them, the current government pushes the mantra “if you can’t reach it, tell it that it stinks.”  Despite, of course, they themselves go to the West for treatment, send their children there for study and even move their monetary capital there for “darker days.”  If being pro-Western is so bad, why are they doing this?!

This government understands perfectly well that the only harm the West can do to them is causing them to leave their privileged seats of power and influence. The West won’t harm ordinary people. The level of respect that the USA and the European countries have for all people, including our very own, is higher than our government’s is to us.  There is only one reason why the civil states we call the West want our citizens to share in their enlightenment, built on respect for human rights and the establishment of freedom of expression – because they want to be neighbours with civil, adequate and similarly democratic countries. That’s because if neighbouring countries are civil, democratic and understanding, then the world will have a much greater chance of living in peace and prosperity. Just think about the neighbours in your own life. Would you want your neighbour to be a brawler, be loud and generally disrespecting himself, his family and his surroundings?!   Of course, not!   Western policy and principle is built on those very same values.

Good news for the oilers!  After just a few years of toil, you will be able to take a break in foreign countries and all thanks to SOCAR’s enlightened leadership.   That’s because they care about their employees and always try hard to ensure their workers get the very best five-star rest and recuperation.  Right now, SOCAR employees can vacation in such beautiful places in Azerbaijan as Nabran, Gabala and Lerik through trade union discounted prices.  If they stay patient, they will also later be able to take a break in Europe – and with discounted prices too.

So, long live the president of SOCAR – he who always cares about his hard-working employees!  But wait a minute…Who really cares about who here?  We need a reality check here as to who needs to be grateful to who.

First, let’s look at the payment mechanism in place.   A reminder that the trade union is formed from percentages paid by the employees from their salary monthly.  This means that members are actually paying for their luxury breaks throughout the year.

The resorts where the trade union organizes the discount travels are, sadly, under the direct control of SOCAR leadership.  If not that then they have large-scale financial investments in them.  Outside of the SOCAR set-up, these resorts and venues already have a large number of visitors looking to spend their cash.  Given that SOCAR has over 60,000 employees and that more than half of them could potentially take a SOCAR approved break at one of the approved resorts and you get to see the picture as to how the money making potential further increases.  If one then adds family members to the equation, the money making potential increases further still.  Thus, the employees, taking their break, simply end up putting their money back in the pockets of SOCAR’s senior executives and having limited choice as to where they vacation in the first place!

So it is no surprise to reflect on how SOCAR bought a resort venue, with a 90 year lease, in the most corrupt and criminal country Europe, Montenegro.  This was at a cost of four billion Euros to SOCAR.  A lot of money but entirely feasible because of those oil revenues.  Not before too long, this new venue will no doubt start to blossom with hotels, villas and business centers.  Of course, the main investment in all of this will be from oil money.  And still, the oilers will be able to rest in these kinds of resorts courtesy of half what they paid by way of their union dues and the other half through their own money.

This is also despite the fact that the resort will be open for business without being fully completed.  Yet the customers will be all too ready to take their break.  The whole set-up is designed to satisfy all parties concerned. So that’s the ordinary oiler and his family, businessmen and leaders of SOCAR, and even the corrupt president of Montenegro, Milo Djukanovic.  How convenient.  But we know with 100% certainty that this new arrangement won’t benefit the Azerbaijani people now or their future generations.  That’s because those who steal, and we know their mentality all too well, only care about the here and now and never about the future.

Namig Aghayev

Democracy and freedom are popular topics of conversation around the globe.  Consequently, in Azerbaijan, the Government authorities and those in opposition like to reference both concepts frequently.

It pretty much goes like this.  The one side claims that there is no democracy while the other side trumpets its existence.  Both believe they are correct.  Despite this ongoing tug-of-war, there is another issue – that many people don’t actually understand what “democracy” really is.  For example, many who lived through the Soviet era consider that if that time was a dictatorship, then since the system clearly now is not Soviet dictatorship, then they are living in a healthy democracy.  That is of course absolutely wrong.  That is because while we have transitioned from communism to capitalism, we have not been able to be rid of dictatorship.  It just goes by a different name.

The mechanics of democracy are complex and require all parts of it to function effectively for it to work as it should.  Crucially, if one of those parts is missing, or defective, then the democratic apparatus breaks down.  For example, a democratic society requires transparency, a free market untainted by oligarchy and corruption, fully functioning laws, a police force one can trust, an independent, impartial court system, an honest administrative structure and, ultimately, authorities that are accountable to the democratic will of the people.  All of these components are inter-dependent, similar to how DNA in the human body interacts.  A break-down in any corrupts and corrodes the healthy body of democracy.

Also, society should never be complacent about democracy – it should always yearn for it and scrutinize its practice.  Public censure feeds into a healthy democratic process.  A poor civic understanding of democracy can be abused by nefarious elements of authority.  So modest democratic progress can be portrayed to the public as being a major victory for democracy.  Put another way, you are stripped of ten of your rights and then have just two returned - “Hey!  You got two rights back!  You really should be grateful!”

To those that say there is a fully functioning, healthy democracy in Azerbaijan, ask yourself the following.  Can I openly protest?  Can I fully trust the police and the courts?  Can I run my own business freely and fairly?  Can I live in this country without paying bribes?  The reality is, if you can respond to any of these in the affirmative, then you are living in another country other than Azerbaijan.

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